Software License Key FAQ

1. I need to move my software license key to another computer, can I do this?

Yes. Please contact ProModel Corporation technical support if you would like to move or terminate your software key.

2. I want to upgrade my computer’s operating system, or make a major change to my computer’s configuration, should I be concerned?

The software license key is sensitive to changes to your computer’s configuration. This is to prevent the key’s unauthorized duplication to multiple computers. If you plan on making major changes to your computer’s configuration, please contact ProModel Corporation technical support for options to preserve your license key.

3. My software license key no longer appears to be functioning. What should I do?

Your software license key may have been disturbed by changes to your computer’s configuration. Reboot your computer in an attempt to reset the configuration to a point that is recognizable by the license key. If the problem persists, please contact ProModel Corporation support at or call 1-888-PROMODEL.